Detective Pikachu Returns Review

Key Takeaways

The Good

  • The characters are charming and likable.
  • An outstanding script sparsely sprinkled with fun references
  • A captivating story with a satisfying conclusion

The Bad

  • Investigative dialogues, especially those with Pokemon, can feel too long
  • Puzzles lack sophistication and can be untangled before the protagonist
  • The linear, simple progress with almost no intimidating challenges

Detective Pikachu Specs

Game Genre Adventure
ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) Rating Everybody
Platform Nintendo Switch

What’s Detective Pikachu Returns All About?

The first outing of Detective Pikachu, released in 2016 for the Nintendo 3DS, was a game-changer. Up to that point in the Pokemon franchise, we had never seen such an intimidating, sophisticated, and “genius” version of Pikachu. The initial offering garnered rave reviews from both audiences and critics thanks to its simplistic point-and-click gameplay and sharp sense of humor. 

After seven years, there’s no denying that the new version of this iconic game franchise was due for an update. In early October 2023, the eagerly anticipated Detective Pikachu Returns was officially released. Roughly four years after it was first announced in 2019 – the same year the live-action film adaptation of the Pokemon franchise was released. 

The new game brings back the detective, his tiny herringbone, and his crony, Tim Goodman. It retains most of the good qualities of the first offering while improving on it in several other bounds. 

Many avid Pokemon fans will find Detective Pikachu Returns to be the sequel they have been long waiting for. However, the game still falls short in several critical areas. It lacks most of the polishes that were badly needed in the first generation. After a couple of minutes of gameplay, it becomes clear it is designed to be enjoyed more by kids. This doesn’t mean you won’t have fun playing the new game as an adult as long as you temper your expectations.

In this extraordinary world where humans and Pokemon live side by side, all humans hear the sound made by Pokemon as the standard “pika pika” cries. That’s all humans except for Tim, who can hear the “pika pika” sound made by Pikachu as in normal “human” talk. When the two partner up, the two compliment each other as Tim understands the human side of the world and Pikachu knows the Pokemon side. 

It’s these unique quirks that make Tim and Pikachu a dynamic mystery-solving dou and invaluable members of the local police. 

Embracing a Blended Storyline

For most game sequels, you need to have played the preceding offerings to grasp what’s happening in the new one. However, this is not the case for Detective Pikacha Returns, as it somewhat feels like a standalone title. 

You will enjoy the new game a little more if you played the first offering, as some of its cliffhangers are addressed in the new game, but that’s not necessary. Newcomers to the Pokemon world can get the new game and still have as much fun playing it throughout its 17-hour playtime.

In Detective Pikachu, the titular detective and Tim Goodman helped end the Pokemon going manic epidemic caused by the R drug.  The Detective Pikachu Returns storyline occurs in Ryme City several years after the happenings of the first adventure. At the heart of the new story is a  detective who encounters several twists and turns in their pursuit to uncover the secrets behind a jewel heist. 

The new adventure opens with the Pokemon detective recounting the first outing. However, pandemonium seems to be slowly creeping back to Ryme City as some strange occurrences have started. A new wave of petty crimes involving Pokemon is gaining momentum. With mystery brewing, it’s up to you as the detective pair to figure out what’s happening. Along the way, you will have to solve the disappearance conundrum of Pikachu’s partner and Tim’s father, Harry. 

Since the movie grossed two times its budget, many would have thought Nintendo would try to use the new game to lure impressed movie fans to discover more about the Pokemon universe by using “bread crumbs” and “easter egg.” Detective Pikachu Returns is quite different from the 2019 live-action movie as it commits itself to being a mystery game. It makes no attempts to entice people who might have liked the more to discover more about the Pokemon. In many ways, the most attractive attributes of Detective Pikachu Returns are the most disappointing characteristics of the movie. 

More Intriguing Puzzles with Solutions Right Before You

Although Detective Pikachu Returns utilizes the same core mechanics as the first game, the makeover given to Ryme City makes it feel much bigger. Besides the basic mansions, there are also parts of the city that appear rundown with ruins. The city is more built-out and feels more vibrant, with an atmospheric richness miles above what’s available in towns like Violet’s Paldea and Pokemon Scarlet. 

The camera placement is also done expertly to “blow out” the city’s size even more, so you never feel like you are just moving around the same locality. People are everywhere in the city, from the cafes to the back alleys, and more of them in every place. These people are counting on you to solve their mysteries, and since there are so many, the puzzles are more intriguing. 

Just because the puzzles are more intriguing, it doesn’t mean that you need to employ a lot of brain power to solve them. Clues will be laid out right before you for every puzzle you encounter.  Even where there’s dialogue concerning a mystery, you don’t have to pay attention to what the other characters say. The game provides you with a handy notebook where all the important details are automatically penned. 

It appears like your primary role is to listen to the people’s mysteries, interview the people and Pokemon who might have been involved in the mystery with Pikachu’s help, find clues, and collect evidence. Everything in the game follows along more like a simple storybook and not a robust puzzle-solving thriller. As a result, Detective Pikachu can easily disappoint players looking for some tuned-up excitement. 

Why Many “Not-Children” Play Will Likely Enjoy Playing Detective Pikachu Returns

Detective Pikachu managed to win over a good number of adult players, and Tim and Pikachu’s second adventure is likely to continue this trend since it is better.  The visuals are more impressive thanks to more dazzling sights, smoother character movement, brighter colors, cleaner lines, and more detailed animations. 

The script is also well-developed, although the investigative conversations might feel lengthy. You might find yourself almost exploding with frustration when you finish one of these lengthy conversations, only to unwittingly press A, which will start the whole conversation all over again. It’s best you keep your fingers as far away from the A button as possible during conversation. 

Despite all of the pomp and several drawbacks of the new game, the thing that will likely attract most adults is the cute Pokemon characters, starting with the lead character, Pikachu. The game has loads of Pokemon characters with distinctive personalities and amusing movements. Pikachu’s belly-first runs have gotten even more comical and cuter. You can expect to giggle every time Pikachu stretches and yawns whenever he is idling on-screen.  

In Detective Pikachu Returns, Luxray and Growlithe, arguably the most famous supporting Pokemon in the franchise, will be solidifying their roles. Whenever the two Pokemon team up with Pikachu, they showcase their abilities to the maximum. You will likely see Luxray and Growlithe make moves you have never seen before throughout the game to save Pikachu and the mission.

As you advance through this new Nintendo hit, the more you will discover new Pokemon supporting characters. There is also a sizeable number of fascinating monsters sprinkled throughout the game that work to add more flavor to the gameplay. 

The Verdict

When playing Detective Pikachu Returns, it quickly becomes apparent that Creatures, the game’s developers, decided to double down on making unexpectedly fringe choices on the direction they want the franchise to head. While there were numerous opportunities to make Tim and Pikachu’s second adventure more exciting, they chose not to. 

As things stand now, children and adults who grew up with the Pokemon fanfare will find this new game exciting. However, new adult fans drawn in by all the publicity it has received since it launched may be alienated by the underwhelming challenges and predictable ending.

However, Detective Pikachu Returns is still a good buy for anyone looking for a chilled-out way to pass the time with limited fun. Yes, you will still notice time passing when playing this whodunnit game. It’s not those types of games that will surprise you with how “short” three hours can be. 

In contrast, almost no other game can match the bubbly humor and cuteness of its Pokemon characters. Are you a parent unsure of how you can bond better with your kids? This new game can be a great place to start. No matter your reasons for considering this game, you should be ready to handle its massive shortcomings if you get it.


Peter Mwanza

I'm Peter, a seasoned gamer with over a decade of experience. As a passionate gamer turned writer, I explore the virtual worlds and share my gaming insights through captivating content.

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